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Cited article:

“Life was not all that bad”: memories and experiences of kolkhoz life in the Baltic States

Friedrich Kuhlmann, Martti Veldi, S. Bell, et al.
SHS Web of Conferences 63 09004 (2019)

“Alive and kicking” – Moving through and diving into the Soviet kolkhoz and the East German LPG

Friedrich Kuhlmann, S. Bell, A. Fisher, et al.
SHS Web of Conferences 63 06004 (2019)

Place Attachment and Its Consequence for Landscape-Scale Management and Readiness to Participate: Social Network Complexity in the Post-Soviet Rural Context of Latvia and Estonia

Joanna Storie, Enri Uusna, Zane Eglāja, Teele Laur, Mart Külvik, Monika Suškevičs and Simon Bell
Land 8 (8) 125 (2019)