Issue |
SHS Web of Conferences
Volume 6, 2014
IFSRAP 2013 – The First International Forum on Studies of Rural Areas and Peasants
Article Number | 02008 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Rural Areas and Peasants | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 25 April 2014 |
Research of Reconstruction of Village in the Urban Fringe Based on Urbanization Quality Improving
A Case Study of Xi’nan Village
School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangdong University of Technology, 510090 Guangzhou, China
In the process of urban-rural integration, it is an acute and urgent challenge for the destiny of farmers and the development of village in the urban fringe in the developed area. Based on the “urbanization quality improving” this new perspective and through the analysis of experience and practice of Village renovation of Xi’nan Village of Zengcheng county, this article summarizes the meaning of urbanization quality in developed areas and finds the villages in the urban fringe’s reconstruction strategy. The study shows that as to the distinction of the urbanization of the old and the new areas, the special feature of the re-construction of the villages on the edge of the cities, the government needs to make far-sighted lay-out design and carry out strictly with a high standard in mind. The government must set up social security system, push forward the welfare of the residents, construct a new model of urban-rural relations, attaches great importance to sustainable development, promote the quality of the villagers, maintain regional cultural characters, and form a strong management team. All in all, in the designing and building the regions, great importance must be attached to verified ways and new creative cooperative development mechanism with a powerful leadership and sustainable village construction.
Key words: the reform of the village on the edge of the city / the quality of urbanization / developed area / Xi’nan village
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2014
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