Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 59, 2018
The 6th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning (APRCSL 2017)
Article Number | 01001 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 December 2018 |
Community Service Creating Applied Information System for Managing Inventory on Hotel SWK 95, Surabaya, Indonesia
Informatics Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Petra Christian University, Jl. Siwalankerto No.121-131, Surabaya 60236, Indonesia.
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In the ever-expanding digital information era, hotels in particular Hotel SWK 95 should start using information technology to help hotel operations to operate maximally. Hotel SWK 95 has an information system for booking rooms and others but Hotel SWK 95 does not have information system to manage Inventory like pillow, blanket, etc. So here the author has compiled and made an inventory information system to meet the needs of the Hotel SWK 95. The information system that the authors created can help in the inventory arrangements, especially as laundry systems and vendors anywhere that the hotel use to wash the laundry and schedule when the estimated laundry should be taken. And also the status, quantity, and history of the circulation of existing goods.
Key words: Circulation of goods / Hotel / Information system / Laundry / Manage inventory / Report / Supply chain / Warehouse management
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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