Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 84, 2020
First International Scientific Seminar “Circumpolar Studies” 2020
Article Number | 03003 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Sustainable Development of Arctic | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 November 2020 |
Digital technologies in the industry: application of immersive training technologies in the oil and gas complex
1 Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, 195251, 29 Polytehnicheskaya st., Russia
2 Candidate of History, assistant, Department of History, Saint Petersburg Mining University, 199106, 2, 21st Line, St Petersburg, Russia
* Corresponding author:
The article substantiates the need to apply training and retraining programs for personnel for permanent work in the Arctic using digital technologies, namely VR / AR / MR technologies. The geopolitical features of the Arctic zone, difficult climatic conditions do not allow directly practicing the development of professional competencies and, therefore, require the introduction of a multi-stage system of personnel training using technologies of approximate reality. Such requirements for the personnel training system predetermine the need to search for relevant digital technologies that can create conditions that are as close as possible to the conditions of professional activity in hard-to-reach Arctic regions. When forming a personnel training / retraining system for oil and gas enterprises, in addition to the specified specific working conditions, it is also necessary to take into account the sectoral features of oil and gas enterprises, which also forms a number of functional requirements for the selection of relevant digital tools, the main of which for personnel training can be considered immersive technologies. Based on the above, the paper analyzes the use of immersive technologies by oil and gas enterprises, a comparative analysis of the directions of using immersive technologies in personnel training at oil and gas enterprises, identifies the positive and negative aspects of using VR / MR / AR technologies.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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