Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 85, 2020
7th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference SOCIETY. HEALTH. WELFARE
Article Number | 02001 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Health: Public Health and Health Promotion | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 02 December 2020 |
Motivation of infection control in nurses' viewpoint
Rıga Stradiņš University, Riga, Latvia
The spread of hospital infections in high-risk units remains even though infection control and prevention measures are being improved annually. It is associated with factors such as age, severity of the underlying disease, duration of hospitalization, antibacterial therapy, resistance to microorganisms, and the number of invasive procedures. The human resources and the financial distribution in medicine play the key role in controlling infections. Intensive care nurses supervising and taking care of the patients 24 hours a day have an invaluable role in controlling infections and reducing hospital infections. The aim of the study is to find out the nurses' opinions about the factors motivating infection control in the intensive care units and in the department of internal medicine. The study used a quantitative study method-survey (n = 160). The questionnaire included questions about the factors influencing infection control and the factors motivating the nurse. Questionnaires involved nurses in the intensive care units and in the department of internal medicine, who care for patients in Latvian multifunctional regional hospitals. The study suggests that nurses are motivated by both material and non-material motivating factors. The material motivating factors in nurses' viewpoint are maintenance of workplace, the premium of work quality, the premium for night work and overtime, premium for work on holidays, possibility to attend courses and training, vacation pay, as well as environment of work. The non-material motivating factors in nurses' viewpoint are the attitude of the supervisor, being respectful of their workplace, the relations with colleagues, acknowledgment for the work done, the responsibility at work, the pride and respect for the work to be done, the challenges, interesting job and variety in work tasks, as well as the growth and development in the workplace.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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