Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 86, 2020
ICORE 2019 – The International Conference on Rural Development and Entrepreneurship
Article Number | 01048 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 20 November 2020 |
Traditional Transport Tools as Supporters of the Regional Economy through Tourism and Culture Activities
Law Faculty, Trisakti Jakarta university
Some regions in Indonesia such as West Sumatra, Yogyakarta, Jakarta and other regions, often found traditional Bendi transportation which is used to transport people or goods from one place to the agreed destination. Apart from functioning as a public transportation tool, Bendi also has an important role in tourism, which is used around to transport tourists both from within and outside the country. The activity carried out by Bendi can increase the income of the local people who use Bendi as a regional tourism promotion tool. How is the existence of a Traditional Transport Tool in the midst of modern transportation in Indonesia?; How is this traditional Bendi transport regulated in Indonesia’s national regulations? and What is the support of traditional Bendi transportation for regional economic development where its position is as a means of transportation? Is the subject matter in writing this paper. The research method used is normative, using secondary data and primary data as supporters, through interviews with some observers of traditional transport equipment. Then it will be analyzed descriptively. The conclusion obtained is that in a certain area, there are provisions for regional regulations that regulate the existence of these Bendi traditional transportation equipment, such as in the Yogyakarta area. Traditional Bendi transportation support as a supporter of the regional economy through tourism activities is very large, such as those found in the Yogyakarta area, where Bendi is always there to surround tourist areas that deliver domestic and foreign tourists in visiting tourist areas, as well as in West Sumatra, Padang, Bendi still exists even though it is rare, but it is still used as a tourism and cultural transport tool.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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