Issue |
SHS Web of Conf.
Volume 89, 2020
Conf-Corp 2020 – International Scientific-Practical Conference “Transformation of Corporate Governance Models under the New Economic Reality”
Article Number | 06007 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
Section | CSR and Corporate Strategies: Problems of Transformation to Achieve Sustainable Development | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 December 2020 |
Implementation of CSR in the organizations’ strategies: experience of Russia and Belarus, directions of methods and tools development of CSR in the conditions of digitalization of economies
1 Vitebsk State Technological University, 210035 Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus
2 Ural State University of Economics, 620144 Ekaterinburg, Russia
* Corresponding author:
The purpose of the article is to analyze the experience of introducing CSR in the Union State of Russia and Belarus and to develop directions for the development of CSR methods and tools in the context of the digitalization of the economies of Russia and Belarus.The article systematizes methods for assessing CSR at the macro and micro levels: compliance with international CSR standards; involvement in the UN Global Compact; indices for assessing the effectiveness of companies in the field of CSR; ratings and indices for assessing the effectiveness of CSR, developed by public and state organizations.The analysis of the experience of CSR implementation in the Union State of Russia and the Republic of Belarus is carried out. Identified barriers to the development of CSR in Russia and the Republic of Belarus. The directions of development of CSR methods and tools in the context of digitalization of the economies of Russia and Belarus are studied. Scientific significance lies in the development of CSR methods and tools in the context of digitalization of economies. The study used modern scientific literature on the digital ecosystem and CSR, statistical and analytical materials found on thematic Internet sites and in print media. The practical significance of the results lies in the possibility of their use by state and regional authorities, business in CSR strategies, as an integral part of the strategy for sustainable development of the economy, for making decisions aimed at increasing the stability and competitiveness of the economies of the Union State.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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