Issue |
SHS Web of Conf.
Volume 92, 2021
The 20th International Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2020
Article Number | 09009 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | International Relations and Globalization | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 13 January 2021 |
The USA, Russia and China as a Center of Influence in Global Economy
1 Southwest State University, Faculty of Public Administration and International Relations, Department of Customs and World Economy, ulitsa Chelyuskintsev 19, 305004 Kursk, Russia
2 Southwest State University, Faculty of Public Administration and International Relations, Department of International Relations and Public Administration, ulitsa Chelyuskintsev 19, 305004 Kursk, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Research background. Due to the significant role that the United States, Russia and China play in the world political and economic processes, US-Russia-China relations can be recognized as the most important interstate relations in the world, setting the direction for the transformation of the international system. Nowadays, the study of these trilateral relations is a relevant scientific task. The authors, on a systematic basis, have investigated the aspects of interaction between the USA, Russia and China in the modern economy, which opened the way for solving the key issues of international relations. The authors have published several papers on this issue in Russia and abroad, including publications in Scopus and Web of Science indexed journals.
Purpose of the article is to analyse the US-Russia-China relations and to determine the directions of their development in the context of globalization of the world economy.
Methods. To analyse the interests, a systematic method was used that allows considering the interests of the United States, China and Russia as an holistic, complex mechanism with elements constantly interacting with each other.
Findings & Value added. Despite geographical, linguistic, religious, and other distinctions, the United States, China, and Russia have a lot in common. There were historical periods of active and positive cooperation between these three major superpowers. In our opinion, in spite of the current contradictions between the parties, Russia, China and the United States have a mutual concern in harmonizing trilateral interests. However, the existed contradictions are not insoluble.
Key words: interstate relations / world political and economic processes / the US-Russia-China relations
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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