Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 112, 2021
Northern Sustainable Development Forum 2020
Article Number | 00034 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 June 2021 |
Knowledge in the model of dynamics and stability of an industrial enterprise
Baikal State University, 11, Lenin str., Irkutsk, Russia
* Corresponding author:
The formation and development of the knowledge economy logically lead to the need for an indepth study of the nature and properties of information in economic systems. The priority value of the information resource and knowledge in the activities of industrial enterprises is determined both by the prospects for the development of science-intensive products and their competitiveness in the world and domestic markets, and by the desire to ensure the stable operation of the enterprise in a highly disturbed business environment. With the search and analysis of the dependences of the production, financial and economic processes taking place in them on the control information, the systemic interaction of the enterprise resources and the dynamics of key indicators of the activity of industrial enterprises are revealed.From the standpoint of thermodynamics, statistical physics and cybernetics, it is proposed to spread the information concept of V. Trapeznikov to substantiate and modelling the dependence of a number of economic and financial indicators on the amount of accumulated information in the controlled complex of an industrial enterprise.Modeling and interpretation of the relationship between the volume of control information with the uncertainty of the functioning of an industrial enterprise and the achieved level of knowledge about it is carried out. The condition for the stability of the indicator of the effect of activity and the financial stability of the enterprise (autonomy ratio) is formulated. The mathematical condition for the range of changes in the level of knowledge of industrial enterprises has been substantiated.
Key words: entropy / knowledge / industry / information / model / stability
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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