Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 141, 2022
IV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern Management Trends and Digital Economy: from Regional Development to Global Economic Growth” (MTDE 2022)
Article Number | 03011 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Digital Technologies in Education | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 June 2022 |
Teaching of written language via the internet
Linguistics Institute named after I.Nasimi of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan
By the words of L.S.Vigotskiy, the written speech is “speech without intonation, expressive, generally without the whole sounding side. This is speech in thought, in representation, but speech devoid of the most essential feature of oral speech material sound. It is largely due to internal speech. When expressing thoughts through writing, inner speech is, as it were, formed into a verbal shell. The transmission of thoughts through written speech is a complex, multifaceted process. The purpose of this study is a scientific search in areas of the potential of written language for solving urgent problems of modern teaching methods. The main function of speech in humans, however, is that it is an instrument of thinking. Speech is the area where memory and thinking come into contact so much that it is sometimes difficult to decide what in speech belongs to memory and what to thinking. But it is with the formation of concepts that thinking begins its activity. Moving further and further away from written language, the students lose one of the important factors in the development of imagination, thinking, and creative activity. Therefore, in the classroom it is necessary to do the planned systematic work on the development of written speech.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2022
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