Open Access
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 129, 2021
The 21st International Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2021
Article Number 10013
Number of page(s) 8
Section International Relations and Globalization
Published online 16 December 2021
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  2. D-Day and France. Avaliable at: [Google Scholar]
  3. Everyone’s United Nations. A Handbook on the United Nations its structure and Activities, United Nations Publications. New York. [Google Scholar]
  4. Regional Trading Blocks and Economic Integration. Avaliable at [Google Scholar]
  5. UN (1945). The United Nations Charter. Avaliable at [Google Scholar]
  6. UN (1945). United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Avaliable at: [Google Scholar]
  7. UN.(1945). United Nations and Decolonization. Avaliable at: [Google Scholar]
  8. United Nations Security Council. Avaliable at: [Google Scholar]
  9. United Nations and its Specialized Agencies and related Inter-governmental Organizations. Avaliable at : Specialized Agencies | United Nations [Google Scholar]
  10. UNCTAD World Investments Report 2021. Avaliable at [Google Scholar]

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