Issue |
SHS Web of Conferences
Volume 18, 2015
ICoLASS 2014 – USM-POTO International Conference on Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Article Number | 04001 | |
Number of page(s) | 12 | |
Section | Local Knowledge/Health | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 July 2015 |
Action Regulation Introducing Stress Management Techniques and High Performance in Soccer
Exercise & Sports Sciences Programme. School of Health Sciences, PPSK Universiti Sains Malaysia Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. 16150.
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Fifty-two high performing soccer players of South-East Asian contingent were selected by three expert soccer instructors on the basis of their consistent high performance and on the basis of their performance on psychomotor and psychobiological parameters. All of these players were subjected to pre-intervention analyses of Sc orienting reflex indices (phasic components of electrodermal activity) as well as sympathovagal activity based on HRV indices which were assessed simultaneously while the players were engaged in psychomotor reaction ability performances. Structural equations were done to identify the path regression related to performance excellence, which were suggestive of incoherence between the predictors. Short-term intensive self-regulation as well as action-regulation training modules was developed to foster ideomotor orientation in the players, which however was found effective in modification of the intrinsic psychobiological mechanism leading towards excellence in performance in the high-performer soccer players. Thus they were randomly categorised into four groups, comprising of one no-intervention control group (N = 13); experimental group I (N = 13) who received action-regulation training; experimental group II (N = 13), who received training of electromyography (EMG) biofeedback, and experimental group III (N = 13), who received combined training of action - regulation and electromyography (EMG) biofeedback (for 15 min.s/day, for 3 days per week, for 12 weeks). Repeated measure of ANOVA and multiple linear and polynomial regression analyses along with the predictive structural analyses were done to identify relationships between the psychobiological processes, in relation to the cognitive-affective and affective-motivational aspects of sports behaviour, revealed by the projective analyses of emotionality. These models were aptly able to explain the efficacy of the action-regulation intervention techniques, in inducing the cognitive flexibility and emotional resilience required for performance excellence in elite-level soccer players.
Key words: Action –regulation / EMG Biofeedback / High Performance / Soccer
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015
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