Issue |
SHS Web of Conferences
Volume 26, 2016
ERPA International Congresses on Education 2015 (ERPA 2015)
Article Number | 01027 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 26 April 2016 |
Assessment of quality indicators in spanish higher military education
1 University of Granada, Spain
2 Army Training and Doctrine Command (M.A.D.O.C.) / Ground Forces, Spain
a Corresponding author:
The quality assessment is subject to multiple interpretations of its content and purpose, and also regarding to methods and techniques used to develop it. Although purposes of assessment are varied, usually pursuit three goals: Improvement, accountability and information. Currently, the concept of quality evaluation has been replaced by the management of educational quality, as Matthew [6] point “the new culture of evaluation is no longer oriented to penalty, ranking or selection of people, as provide a reasoned and reasonable information to guide the management of educational improvement”. Military Training Centres are externally evaluated by an experts External Evaluation Unit to identify strengths and weaknesses on their self-evaluation system and focus on important aspects related to the organization of the Centre, development of work plans, teacher’s style and students learning strategies, system of evaluation and qualification and accurate recommendations to improve all that. This research focuses on the evaluation of quality indicators for the external evaluation of higher education at Military Education Centres in Spain and it is funded by a joint project between University of Granada and MADOC. The technique used for collecting and analysing information was a content description of several documents provided by these military educational authorities, arising the identification and extraction of relevant indicators on the evaluation of higher education. This analysis was primarily based on standards and indicators systems by ANECA (National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation) adapted to the Military Higher Education, but also it was consider other standards by international agencies and evaluative institutions, such as University of Chile, University of Paraguay, Canarias Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation and Agency for Quality Education System University of Castilla y León. The analysis realize a usual use of assessment indicators not based on evidences of user satisfaction, and it provide new proposes of indicators to assess properly quality of Military Higher Education, ensuring effectiveness and efficiency. To conclude, it is consider that civil evaluation indicators can be conveniently adapted to be applied in the military education system. This evaluation processes should be supported on obtaining reliable data based on self-evaluation, regular evaluation and specific evaluation, to develop its structure and functioning for enabling implementation of a continuous improvement plan.
Key words: Evaluation / higher military education / content analysis / assessment quality indicators
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016
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