Issue |
SHS Web of Conferences
Volume 26, 2016
ERPA International Congresses on Education 2015 (ERPA 2015)
Article Number | 01085 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 26 April 2016 |
Government policies for the prevention of violence in schools in Brazil and the citizenship education
1 Universidade Estadual Paulista-Unesp, Rio Claro - SP, 13506-900, Brazil
2 Diretoria de Ensino de Limeira-SP, Brazil
a Corresponding author:
The main objective of this work is to discuss some of the policies for the prevention of school violence in Brazil, specifically in the States of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, seeking to reflect on the role of citizenship education in these States. One of the core issues is whether these policies are aimed at developing the values of citizenship. As a conclusion, we pointed out that the feelings of social insecurity are reflected in the relationships inside the big schools generating an intolerance to behaviour considered as antisocial, which, in general, is directed mainly at the poor youths from outlying neighbourhoods. After analysing the documents, we consider that the state of São Paulo as well as Minas Gerais have sought partnerships with judiciary organs to restore the balance broken in the school environment as a result of conflict situations. This attitude does not prioritize a pedagogical education through the citizenship.
Key words: Educational policies / school violence / citizenship / prevention of school violence
© Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016
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