Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 50, 2018
The International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Issues of Linguistics and Didactics: The Interdisciplinary Approach in Humanities and Social Sciences” (CILDIAH-2018)
Article Number | 01027 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 12 October 2018 |
Psycholinguistic Research of Creolized Advertising Texts: Age Factor
Kursk State University, Professional Communication and Foreign Languages Department, 305000, Kursk, Radisheva Street, 33, Russia
Southwest State University, Foreign Languages Department, 305040, Kursk, 50 Let Oktyabrya Street, 94, Russia
* Corresponding author:
People daily deal with creolized texts that have become an integral part of life in modern society. One of such texts examples is advertising in educational sphere. The purpose of production and use of such texts is the formation of ideas, images and special relationship to the world or subject / object which is mediated by personal characteristics of an individual. Achieving this goal is possible by influencing the human consciousness and perception with the variety of psychological, psycholinguistic methods and other ways depending on the specific task. It should be noticed that subjective perception of a particular creolized text image is influenced not only by linguistic characteristics, but also by a large number of extralinguistic factors. The article shows some results of the experimental research which was conducted to prove “age” factor influence on the perception of creolized texts. In addition, some key issues related to practical application of a systematic approach for experimental data analysis as well as its application to linguistic science are discussed in the article.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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