Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 62, 2019
17th International Scientific Conference “Problems of Enterprise Development: Theory and Practice” 2018
Article Number | 12002 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Socialization Processes in the Context of Modern Telecommunication Technologies | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 15 March 2019 |
Functional Nature of Life-long Learning in Raising Living Standard in Inclusive Society
Saratov Socio-Economic Institute of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Saratov, Russia
* Corresponding author:
The structural-functional analysis of the socio-cultural peculiarities of implementing inclusive policy in educational process in Russia is carried out. The issues of the inclusive approach introduction in higher education are touched upon. The main indicators of the living standard in the country including the level and accessibility of education are listed, interrelation of the living standard and quality of education are emphasized. The history of development and the difficulties of implementing inclusive education in Russia are considered. In particular, the historical, organizational, content and socio-economic peculiarities of inclusive education development in Russia are conceptualized. The importance of the inclusion being one of the main principles of the modern society is underlined. The main reasons for the difficulties in implementing inclusive education in Russia are indicated. Some of them are the lack of the necessary theoretical and methodological research as well as material and technical support. One of the main objectives in the implementation of inclusive education is a special organization of educational process including social integration and psychological adaptation of students with disabilities. A special role is given to the teacher who should be able to organize the educational process effectively providing equal opportunities for all its participants. In conclusion, possible solutions of the problems connecting with implementing an inclusive approach in higher education in Russia are outlined taking into account the peculiarities of its development.
Key words: inclusion / education / living standard / the peculiarities of inclusive policy
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2019
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