Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 74, 2020
The 19th International Scientific Conference Globalization and its Socio-Economic Consequences 2019 – Sustainability in the Global-Knowledge Economy
Article Number | 05015 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Regions and Economic Resilience | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 January 2020 |
Alternative food networks as a counterbalance in the globalized perception of young consumers
Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Kamýcká 129, Prague, 165 21, Czech Republic
* Corresponding author:
The phenomenon of alternative food networks is becoming increasingly important, especially in the context of changes in consumer behavior and business sustainability. The distribution channels of some products place a disproportionate burden on the environment. In this context, the issue of local food production and the use of local distribution channels are becoming increasingly important as counterbalances of international trade processes in the context of globalization. New food-specific forms include alternative food networks. Sustainability is a topical issue, especially among young consumers, who are sensitive to environmental issues and like all new things. This consumer target group will shape the future of the current globalized world. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the general level of awareness among young people aged 20 34 in the Czech Republic about alternative forms of purchasing food and to identify knowledge of different forms of this sale. Primary research data was used to evaluate preferences in 2019. The total number of participants was 519 respondents. The results show that more than half of the respondents have ever encountered the concept of an alternative food network. Most often, respondents said they had personal experience of selling on farm markets and selling organic food.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020
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