Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 112, 2021
Northern Sustainable Development Forum 2020
Article Number | 00044 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 23 June 2021 |
Transport logistics and interaction of participants in the russian transport market
Russian customs Academy, Vladivostok branch, 16v, Strelkova str., Vladivostok, Russia
* Corresponding author:
Logistics processes are becoming more widespread in the Russian economy. Transport logistics is an integral part of logistics. Its functions are to select the optimal routes for the movement of economic goods in the interests of all participants in these processes. The purpose of this work is to substantiate the methods of solving the main problems of transport logistics in Russian conditions. The study uses a systematic approach. Based on it, algorithms for solving transport logistics problems in the Russian economy are refined, the choice of transport mode, carrier and other logistics partners is ensured, rational delivery routes are determined, the technological unity of transport and warehouse processes is established, and the optimization of transport process parameters is achieved. The emerging flow processes must be interconnected through the integration of transport, production, supply, sales, consumption, service, financing and information. In the associated flow processes, the economic interests of all participants in the transport market (the sender, who forms the material flows, the recipient and the carrier) will be rationally coordinated with the economic interests of other participants in the logistics process. This will help overcome technical, technological, informational, economic, financial, international, environmental, and labor problems. In this case, transaction costs are reduced by all participants in logistics chains, the risks of doing business are reduced, and a synergistic effect is achieved.
Key words: tasks of transport logistics / a systematic approach
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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