Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 117, 2021
The 2nd International Scientific and Practical Online Conference “Psychology of Giftedness and Creativity” 2020
Article Number | 02001 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | Development and diagnostics of children’s giftedness | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 30 July 2021 |
The relationship between general and emotional intelligence in preschool children
Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Department of Psychology of Education, Moscow, Russia
* Corresponding author:
This paper examines the relationship between general intelligence and emotional intelligence in preschool children older than five years and the main areas of research on general and emotional intelligence. Currently, a high level of general and emotional intelligence is viewed as a condition for achieving success both in one’s profession and in life in general. The relevance of this study is conditioned by the need to study general intelligence and emotional intelligence to improve the intellectual and emotional life of people, which in turn contributes to the solution of both individual and social problems. This study aims to review the levels of general and emotional intelligence formation in preschool children older than five years. The paper contains a retrospective analysis of the problem of studying emotional and general intelligence in Russian and foreign psychology. Various approaches to the study of general and emotional intelligence are analyzed. Based on a review of the literature on the topic of the study, the prerequisites for the emergence of the concept of emotional intelligence are outlined. The content of such concepts as “intelligence” and “emotional intelligence” is outlined, with a brief excursion into the history of the emergence and spread of these concepts. The paper also contains terms analogous to the concept of emotional intelligence and describes in detail the structural components of emotional intelligence within the framework of various models. Empirically, the levels of general and emotional intelligence of preschool children older than five years have been identified. A comparative correlation study of the levels of emotional and general intelligence of preschool children was carried out. The authors present the results of an experimental study on the absence of interdependence of general and emotional intelligence in preschool children older than five years.
Key words: intelligence / general intelligence / emotional intelligence / development of preschool children
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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