Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 120, 2021
Sixth International Scientific Conference “BUSINESS AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT”
Article Number | 01011 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Regional Development and Governance in the Transition to a Green Economy | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 24 August 2021 |
Brownfield Reuse Investment as a Tool for Limiting the Territorial Expansion of Settlements in Bulgaria
University of Economics – Varna, Department of Business, Investment and Real Estate, 77, Kniaz Boris I Blvd., 9002 Varna, Bulgaria
* Corresponding author:
The goal set by the author of the study is to consider the good European practices in the remediation and reuse of Brownfields and on that basis to outline the possibilities for the use of these practices in Bulgaria in order to limit the territorial expansion of settlements (populated places) at the expense of non-urbanized areas. The specific character of the issue under study determines the following research methods as most suitable: the document analysis method; the comparison method; the methods of analysis and synthesis. There are laid down the possibilities for Brownfield reuse in Bulgaria. The reuse of the so-called brownfields combines the advantages of the environmental, the economic and the social development as it results in a more sustainable development of settlements, as well as in reduced reclamation and building up of green areas and non-urbanized land for the erection of new buildings and the development of infrastructure (social as well as technical).
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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