Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 121, 2021
International Scientific Conference “Eurasian Educational Space: Traditions, Reality and Perspectives” 2021
Article Number | 02004 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
Section | Current Issues in Contemporary Educational Space | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 September 2021 |
Study of personality accentuations based on a three-factor dichotomic typological approach
1 Vologda Institute of Law and Economics Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Faculty of Psychology, Department of Legal Psychology and Pedagogy, Vologda, Russia
2 Vyatka State University, Pedagogical Institute, Department of Psychology, Kirov, Russia
3 Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Department of Psychology, Pedagogics and Personnel Management, Moscow, Russia
1 Corresponding author:
A significant problem for practical psychologists is development of own methods necessary for particular and special cases of character research. This requires technologies for creating psychological diagnostic tools that might help to extend, streamline and show a complete picture of the personality, as well as a reliable system for validating the designed instrumentation. Practical psychology needs set forth a social mandate for the development of a classification technology highlighting psychological characteristics of individuals. Purpose of the research: creation of a new methodology for obtaining and measuring information concerning personality accentuations. Methods: a three-factor integrated dichotomic basic approach is used in modelling personality accentuations types and varieties of temperament. The respondents were represented by 187 students of Vologda State University. The research was carried out using the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) test and Holland’s Professional Test Guide. The correlation analysis was used as well in data processing. The validation of the new methodology for measuring personality accentuations was made in terms of constructive validity. The research results extend the scientific concept defining the role and significance of the processes structuring the personality-specific psychological information, based on the use of a dichotomic three-factor basic approach which in turn will contribute to the development of theoretical psychologist’s creative thinking. In addition, the results are aimed at obtaining complete and ordered measurement information on personality accentuations based on the application of the integrated-dichotomic three-factor basic typological approach that is of particular importance for the formation of practical psychologist’s theoretical reasoning. The research results can be used for the purpose of extension of the psychodiagnostic training content.
Key words: personality / psychometry / typology / temperament
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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