Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 41, 2018
International Conference on Architectural Education in Asia (eduARCHsia 2017)
Article Number | 04004 | |
Number of page(s) | 8 | |
Section | Multitude of Cultural Complexity | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 January 2018 |
Architecture Studio Learning: Strategy to Achieve Architects Competence
Associate Professor in Department of Architecture, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Indonesia
* Corresponding author:
In most Schools of Architecture, Architecture Studio is at the core of the architectural learning process. In the process, students are trained to have the skills of architectonic spaces design based on the study of the site, its function, and its aesthetics. Students are also trained to have awareness and understanding about the impact of their design on the surrounding environment, both physically and socially. Also, students are trained to present their designs in various forms such as visual graphics, verbal narratives, and three dimensional model animations. Indonesian Association of School of Architecture (APTARI Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Arsitektur Indonesia) and Indonesian Institute of Architects (IAI - Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia) has formulated an education Standards, Curriculum, and Achievements of Architect Professional Program to be referred by Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI – Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, danPerguruanTinggi) as the guidance for the implementation of Architect Professional Program (PPA - Pendidikan Profesi Arsitek) in Indonesia. One of the eight recommendations is the PPA Content Standard which contains the learning for the achievement of IAI Architect Competencies through the recommended study materials. However, the recommended study materials did not indicate the activity of the Architecture Studio learning model (Final Report of APTARI Part II and IAI). Will architect’s competence be achieved if the learning process withoutarchitectural studio learning model? The formulation of the curriculum that is developed independently by the IAI recommends the learning of Architectural Studio as Professional Studio. The size of the SKS is large enough to enable someone who follows the lesson to intensively gain experience in designing the building as a real architectural work. This Architecture Studio learning model is interpreted by PPAr organizer universities with various forms, among others: (1) apprenticeship of architects; (2) supervised studios; And (3) project simulation studio. From various models of Architecture learning model mentioned above, all aim to achieve 13 Architect Competence as formulated by IAI. Which model is effective in learning the Architectural Studio mentioned above? This exploratory study would like to compare the three forms of Architecture Studio learning model to see how much the achievement of the targeted competencies by measuring the success of Competency Test activities still use the standards implemented by LPJK by involving assessors from IAI. The results of the comparison will show the compatibility of the implementation of the Architecture Studio learningmodel what is considered effective. These findings will certainly benefit the development of future PPAr implementation, especially if the Architecture Studio model can be commensurate with the studios developed by the School of Architecture in various countries, at least in the region of 21 member countries ARCASIA.
Key words: Studio Architecture / Apprenticeship / Supervision / Simulation / Blended Learning in Heritage Conservation Course: Cultural Mapping and Google My Maps Platform
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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