Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 42, 2018
Global Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning in Education (GC-TALE 2017)
Article Number | 00050 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 29 January 2018 |
Needs Analysis of the English Writing Skill as the Base to Design the Learning Materials
English Department of Faculty, Teachers Training and Education Unismuh, Jl. St.Alauddin 259, Makassar 92114, Indonesia
Social Sciences Department, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education Unismuh, Jl. St.Alauddin 259, Makassar 92114, Indonesia,
* Corresponding author:
This research used a descriptive method. It was aimed at identifying students’ learning needs for the English writing skill as the base for designing the learning materials. Writing skill covered the analysis of the types of paragraph, types of text, the components of writing and paragraph development. The subjects of the research were the fourth semester students that consisted of 330 students. The samples were taken 15 % randomly, so the number of samples was 50 students. The research used a questionnaire as the instrument to get responses from the students about their learning needs. The results showed that the learning needs for the writing skills coped with the types of paragraph development, the types of text, and components of writing skill. The types of paragraph development included the ways by definition (79.7%), classification (67.0%), listing (59.3%), cause effect (47.7%), example (47.3%), and comparison (45.7%). The types of text consisted of description (66.0%), news items (59.7%), narration (58.7%), discussion (56.7%), recount (57.0%), and exposition (50.7%). The components of writing skill contained structure (79.6%), vocabulary (79.4%), content (62.0%), organisation (53.6%) and mechanic (34.0%). The implication of the findings would be the base of teaching and learning process, especially in designing the learning materials for the English writing skill.
Key words: Needs Analysis / Writing Skill / Learning Material
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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