Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 93, 2021
3rd International Scientific Conference on New Industrialization and Digitalization (NID 2020)
Article Number | 01008 | |
Number of page(s) | 5 | |
Section | New Industrial Technologies and Innovations - The Imperative of New Industrialization and Digitalization | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 12 January 2021 |
MOOC Development - Why do IT and Business Courses Matter?
Industrial University of Tyumen, 629810 Noyabrsk, Russia
* Corresponding author:
MOOCs (massive open online courses) were initially developed in 2012. Since then, their design and structure have evolved. Different fields of MOOCs are developed with different dynamics. Customers find MOOCs in two primary ways. The first are courses found via search, a segment in which computer science and business courses dominate. The second are additional courses, recommended by the online platforms. The overall number of participants taking these courses is higher. There are three categories of courses within this group: humanities, business, and health & medicine. Therefore, future development of MOOCs are interconnected with these categories more then with the others.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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