Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 99, 2021
International Scientific Conference “Delivering Impact in Higher Education Learning and Teaching: Enhancing Cross-Boarder Collaborations” (DIHELT 2021)
Article Number | 01010 | |
Number of page(s) | 10 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 08 March 2021 |
Contributing factors of classroom teaching quality and improving strategies in Chinese universities: From Students’ Perspective
Pedagogy, School of Education, 330022, 99# Ziyang Avenue Nanchang, China
* Corresponding author:
The teaching quality of universities directly affects the quality of national talent training. The Academic Affairs Office of Chinese universities, through the establishment of the relevant classroom teaching evaluation index system, plays a supervisory role on the classroom teaching quality. Based on the index system, students evaluate classroom teaching quality before selecting a course online at the end of each semester. The paper reports the findings of a small-scale survey carried out in the X University of China within the framework of the ERASMUS+ENTEP project. Through the questionnaires and interviews given to the students of X University, the objective of the study was to identify the index that teachers need to strengthen and then try to put forward some improvement strategies. The results from the survey highlight the factors that contribute to the high quality of undergraduate classroom teaching from students’ perspective, including the unvalued personal moral cultivation of teachers, more attention to the indoctrination of knowledge and ignore the inspiration of mind and the effective interaction between teachers and students. The evidence from this survey suggests that in order to improve the undergraduate classroom teaching quality, teachers should shift the concept of teaching and learning, from the indoctrination of knowledge to the mobilization of students’ enthusiasm, inspire them to think, associate and innovate, and guide the individual student to become an integrated well-developed person.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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