Issue |
SHS Web of Conf.
Volume 187, 2024
2023 2nd International Conference on Educational Science and Social Culture (ESSC 2023)
Article Number | 01015 | |
Number of page(s) | 4 | |
Section | Teaching Method and Classroom Teaching Practice | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 20 March 2024 |
Exploration and Practice of Ideological and Political Education in Vocational Education Curriculum Based on Learning as the Center
Naval Aviation University Qingdao Branch, Qingdao, China
* Corresponding author:
Anti mold technology in aviation material storage is an important foundational course for aviation material management majors. In order to effectively play the role of the main channel for classroom education, curriculum ideological and political reform has been carried out in the course of curriculum teaching, effectively integrating curriculum ideological and political concepts into professional classrooms. Based on learning as the center, curriculum ideological and political goals have been established, curriculum ideological and political elements have been explored, and the entire process of education mode has been explored. Implementation precautions have been proposed, and ideological and political education has been implicitly embedded in various stages of the teaching process. Through students’ independent participation and self-awareness, ideological and political internalization has been achieved, providing reference and inspiration for the ideological and political reform of other courses.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2024
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