Open Access
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 102, 2021
The 3rd ETLTC International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (ETLTC2021)
Article Number 04015
Number of page(s) 8
Section Applications in Computer Science
Published online 03 May 2021
  1. Henrik Wann Jensen, Realistic Image Synthesis using Photon Mapping, 2nd edition (AK Peters, America, 2005), ISBN 1568811407 [Google Scholar]
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  3. Matt Pharr, Wenzel Jakob and Greg Humphreys, Physically Based Rendering From Theory to Implementation Third Edition (Morgan Kaufmann, America, 2016), e-book ISBN 9780128007099, hardcover ISBN 9780128006450 [Google Scholar]
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  8. Embree GitHub repository. [Google Scholar]
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  10. Tutorial of raytracing programming with Embree. [Google Scholar]

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