Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 42, 2018
Global Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning in Education (GC-TALE 2017)
Article Number | 00109 | |
Number of page(s) | 6 | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 29 January 2018 |
Literation Movement From Tanah Ombak’s Community
Department of Sociology, State University of Padang
Nowadays, Character education becomes the attention of many parties. The key to character education is the availability of a positive character environment. Because character building is not enough just to provide knowledge about which is good attitude and what is bad as taught in school. This misunderstanding of school is the cause of character education and failure. Intended for character building requires a character environment that provides good examples to its members. The problem is that there are many character environments that do not support the building of good characters. Bad character environments can be seen in slum area. Slums, identical to poverty, low levels of education, many criminal acts, promiscuity and other negative behaviors. By using a new institutional approach . Data collection is done by qualitative method, through observation, interview and literature study. The success of the Tanah Ombak Community manipulates the institutional environment can not be separated from two things. First, there are actor who become key figures. Second, there in collectively shared values that drives ideas. How the environment is manipulated can be seen from the three aspects, regulative, normative and cognitive. Regulatively, many emergence of positive rules for character development. Normatively, bad old habits are replaced by positive new habits for character building. Finally, cognitively new knowledge emerges for the new characters building.
Key words: character environment / manipulation / Komunitas Tanah Ombak
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018
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