Issue |
SHS Web Conf.
Volume 127, 2021
International Linguistic Science and Practice Conference “Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages 2.0: Real vs. Virtual” 2021
Article Number | 01013 | |
Number of page(s) | 7 | |
Section | Linguodidactic Innovations During the Pandemic: Experience, Practice, Prospects | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 02 December 2021 |
Game techniques in developmental teaching the native language
Institute for Humanities Research and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberian Branch
of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Department of Northern Philology, Yakutsk, Russia
* Corresponding author:
The purpose of this article is to show the possibility of in-depth teaching of the native language in an educational institution, the formation of communicative competence in children, the core of which is in communication skills; introducing students to a new social experience by playing various roles in the Evenk language in educational and game situations through didactic materials, including gaming techniques based on the Evenk language materials. Research hypothesis: gaming techniques in the classroom will form ideas about the native language as a means of knowing one’s culture, promote in-depth teaching of the native language, stimulate the development of productive communication skills, gaining experience; motivate to learn the native language; purposefully listen to the teacher (classmates) when solving a cognitive task; help to obtain communicative results (communication skills by types of speech activity, conducting dialogues and monologues, etc.). The material was various scientific research on pedagogy, the experience of teachers of native languages applied in practice. The expected results of mastering the course “Native language (on the materials of the Evenk language”) will form communicative, linguistic, socio-cultural, educational and cognitive competencies. In the learning process, didactic and creative games, visual aids, dramatization of fairy tales, etc. will be used. Didactic games, if used appropriately and included in the educational process competently, can become an effective means of enhancing the activities of students in the lessons of their native language (on the example of the Evenk language); help to create a language environment while working with senior participants, thus contributing to the development of the native speech of students, as they become active participants themselves. Games can be viewed as a means of developmental teaching, as a means of realizing entertaining learning, acquiring specific practical skills in children, as well as instilling in children a love of knowledge in general, as well as the native language and culture of the people.
Key words: endangered languages / theory of education / theory of teaching / patterns of assimilation of knowledge / abilities and skills / formation of beliefs / linguistic environment / native language / traditional culture
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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