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SHS Web of Conferences

Volume 70 (2019)

Trends in the Development of Psycho-Pedagogical Education in the Conditions of Transitional Society (ICTDPP-2019)

Rostov-on-Don, Russia, November 22-23, 2019
I.V. Abakumova and E.V. Vorobyova (Eds.)

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Statement of Peer review

Newdidactics: Dialogue of cognitive and semantic approach

Cross-border education in the modern world

Priority areas of professional training and education in digital economy

The motivational aspect of control and evaluation activities in education

Philosophy of Education: Challenges of the new methodology

The meeting of generations in educational space

Organizational psychology and management psychology as a resource for the development of society in the context of global changes

The psychology of education in the face of changes: risks and challenges of innovation

Psychophysiology and clinical psychology: theory and practice

Strategic directions in the development of education and social and labor rehabilitation of people with special educational needs

The main trends and prospects for the development of regulatory legal regulation of state policy in the field of education in a transitive society